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Past Shows

Talent Tour Show #4


Judge and Guest Performer


December 15th


Monsey, NY



Talent Tour show #3

Judge and Guest Performer


Sept. 22nd


Far Rockaway, NY

Community Concert 

Shul Sisterhood


Aug. 25th


Savannah, Georgia

Girls Talent Tour Show #2!

Judge and guest performer

February 24th


Monsey, NY Girls 


Girls Talent Tour Show #1!


Judge and guest performer

Dec. 16th


Staten Island, NY




Night of chizuk with Charlie Harary


Guest Performer


Aish Kodesh, Chazak, Ohr Naava


Chanukah Event Dec. 4th


Woodmere, NY


Concert and guest speaker 


Bnot Rachel High School Shabbaton

Upstate New York

Peninim Seminary

September 5th

Har Nof, Jerusalem 

Midreshet Rachel Seminary


September 4th


Har Nof, Jerusalem


Camp Maor

August 13th 8pm

Lakewood, PA


End of year show!

June 8th

Doors open 7:45 show starts 8:15

Neve Yerushalayim, Har Nof


Padres Pesach Program 

San Diego, CA


Rosh Chodesh Show 


Neve Yerushalayim


March 29th


Har Nof, Israel

Concert with Tofa'ah!


March 28th

Har Nof, Israel



Tachana Rishona Evening of Arts

March 26th


Jerusalem, Israel

Motzi Shabbas Show


Baer Miriam Seminary


March 18th


Jerusalem, Israel



Sharfman's Show

March 16th

Sanhedria, Israel


Darchei Binah 


Purim Chagiga!

March 13th

Bait Vegan, Israel

Concert and Kumzits with Jewel

January 1st

Jerusalem, Israel


Chanukah Chagiga 


Neve Yerushalayim  


December, 28th


Har Nof, Israel

Challah Bake


November 10th

Tel Aviv, Israel


Gala Sukkos Chagiga


Neve Yerushalayim 


Har Nof, Israel


Concert for Pathways Plus

October 9th


Katemon, Israel



Goodbye Concert


August 31st


Brooklyn, New York



Concert with KINERET

August 23rd 

South Fallsburg, New York

Annual Summer Women's Concert


July 21st, 2016

South Fallsburg, New York



JAM Los Angeles group

June 22nd

Jerusalem, Israel



Baer Miriam Seminary Banquet

June 15th 

Jerusalem, Israel




Concert for Aish Ignite Trip

May 28th

Tzfat, Israel


Gateways Pesach Concert


April 28th


The W Hotel


Ft. Lauderdale, FL



Community Concert


February 21st


Detroit, Michigan



Bas Mitzvah Concert


December 13th


San Diego, CA



Chanukah Concert


December 7th


Crown heights, NY



Guest Star


Teen Program


November 28th


Monsey, NY



Shabbas Project 


Guest Performance


October 22nd


Elizabeth, NJ



Bas Mitzvah Concert


October 13th


Minneapolis, MN



Bas Mitzvah Concert


August 30th


Philadelphia, PA



Camp Habima Concert


with Miriam Sandler


August 20th


Passaic, NJ



Camp Maor Concert


August 7th


Lakewood, Pennsylvania



Bas Mitzvah


June 14th


Baltimore, MD



Bas Mitzvah


May 21st


Crown Heights, NY



Concert at Pesach with Ohr Naava

Pesach 2016

Pheonix, Arizona



Emet Purim Party


March 4th


Queens, NY



Bonei Olam Fundraiser


February 28th


Washington Heights, NY



Private Party

February 21st

Monsey, NY


Midreshet Moriah Seminary

January 27th 8pm

Jerusalem, Israel


Concert for Baer Miriam Seminary

January 24th 8pm

Jerusalem, Israel


Judge and guest performer for KEDMA

Seminary Choir Competition

January 17th 7:30pm

Jerusalem, Israel


Fundraiser For Hillel

December 24th 6:30pm

Passaic, NJ                                    


Concert with Nechama Cohen!

November, 20th

New Mexico, Mexico


High School Melave Malka

November 22nd

New Mexico, Mexico


Women in Kiruv Conference

Sharei Tzedek

November 10th 9pm

Chicago, IL


Concert at Arie Crown

"Invisible Tour"

November 10th 

Chicago, IL


Guest performance

Bnos Tzion Program

November 9th

Chicago, IL


Music Video shoot for "Inviisible"!

October 13th

Elizabeth, NJ


Concert at Ohlei Torah

September 29th 8pm

Crown Heights, NY


Sisterhood of Avenue N.

Sept. 14th 10am

Brooklyn, NY


Heritage Retreats Concert

Aug. 13th 9pm

Sedona, AZ


GAL Time Ohr Naava Concert

June 18 8pm

Brooklyn, NY


Brooklyn Jewish Dance Institute

Guess Star in "From Galus to Geula"

June 10th and 11th 8pm

Brooklyn, NY


Bas Mitzvah Concert

May 25th

Baltimore, MD


 Pesach Concert

The Raleigh Hotel

April 19th

Monticello, NY


Persach Concert

 The Doral Resort and Spa

April 16th

Miami, Fl


Bas Mitzvah Performance

March 27th

Columbus, OH 


Guest star in "Changed"With Malky Giniger

Based on "Wicked"

March 2nd 8:45 pm March 3rd 7:00 pm

Shulamis theater 

Brooklyn, NY



Hafter Melave Malka

Motzi Shabbas Dec. 28th

Long Island, NY


Hachnosoas Kallah Fundraiser

December 26 7:30pm

Monsey, NY


In The Glow Concert

December 15th 

Crown Heights, NY


Private Party

December 2nd

Crown Heights, NY


CD Release Concert At The Jewish Music Cafe!

Sunday Nov. 17th

Doors open 7:30 Show @ 8

Brooklyn, NY


Concert for Russian Trip

October 13th

Congregaton Bris Avrohom

Hillside, NJ


Camp HASC Show!

August 19th 7pm

Parksville, NY 


Kol Neshama 

Concert/ Kumzits

August 3rd

Los Angeles, CA


Concert and Trunk Show!

June 23rd Trunk Show 7:30 Concert 8:00

Students $10 Adults $18

West Rogers Park, Chicago


Women's Concert

June 6th

Las Vegas, NV


Aish Alef Trip

June 3rd  8pm

The Prima Hotel

Jerusalem, Israel


Stage NIght Women's Show

May 23rd 8pm

 Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel


Fundraiser for the Ezra Cornman Foundation

April 30th 1pm

Brooklyn, NY


Chol Hamoed Pesach Concert 

 The Doral Hotel

 March 27th 10:30 pm

Miami, FL 


Bais Rivkah

Purim Chagiga

February 20th

 Crown Heights, NY


Community Concert

February 16th

Philadelphia, PA


Cruise/C-teen show

February 9th

Pier 40, West Side Manhatten


Shlucha Convention

Post Seminary Concert

 February 2nd

Brooklyn, NY


Neve Yerushalayim 

"Escalators Show"

January 28th & 29th

Jerusalem, Israel


Baer Miriam Seminary


Har Nof, Israel


Tzedakah Fundraiser

 With Malky Giniger and Ilana Farbstein

 9pm December 22

Veretzky Hall 1102 Avenue L

Brooklyn, Ny


Chanukah Concert for WOW

December 15th

Baltimore, MD


Pre-Chanuka Concert!

Feat. Ateres Choir

6:30pm Sunday December 2nd 

Ramapo High School

400 Viola Rd.Spring Valley, NY


Fundraiser for Hurricane Sandy

With Jackie Bitton

8pm November 26th

2913 ave. L

Brooklyn, NY


Bas Mitzvah Performance

8pm October 21st

Greatneck, NY


Sukkos Concert

With Kineret 

8pm October 3rd & 4th

Shulamis Theater

Brooklyn, NY


Heritage Retreats

9pm August 15th

Yosemite, CA


Ohr Naava Concert

8pm July 30th 

Brooklyn, NY


Jewish Girls Retreat

Camp Concert

July 5th

Albany, NY


Private Party

June 19th

Brooklyn, NY


Lag Baomer Concert!

Thursday May 10th

7:30 pm $15

Shulamith Hall 

Brooklyn, NY


Pesach Concert

The Doral Resort

Miami, Florida


Bikur Cholim Fundraiser

February 26th

Passaic, NJ


Atara Conference

February 12th

 Doors open 7:30 

337 West 47th street



Private Concert

February 11th 

Monsey, NY


Concert in Cleveland!

January 8th 7:30 pm

Cleveland, Ohio


The Song of The Hills Musical

January 7th,14th,15th, 21st

Millenium Theater

1029 Brighton Beach Ave.

Brooklyn, NY


Private Party

December 28th

Brooklyn, NY


Ohr Naava Chanukah Chagiga

December 27 8pm

Brooklyn, NY 


Sparks Chanukah Concert

December 25th 8pm

550 Ocean Parkway

Brooklyn, NY


Gateways/Aish Retreat

Shabbas Chanukah Show

December 24th

DoubleTree Hotel



Concert at Bnot Rachel HS

December 20th 1pm

Brooklyn, NY


Guest Performer at "In the glow"

Concert and Bazaar

December 18th 7:30 pm

$18 admission

570 crown street 

Brooklyn, NY


Kol Neshama Fundraiser

December 18th 3:30 pm $15

Greatneck Arts Center

113 Middle Neck Road

Greatneck ,NY


RCCS Auction Preview

 December 13th

7:30 pm

Brooklyn, NY


Rosh Chodesh Kumzits

November 30th 7:30 pm

Brooklyn, NY


Concert with Kineret, Leah forster and Bas kol!

October 17th 7:30pm

Millenium Theater

1029 Brighton Beach Ave.

Brooklyn, NY


Concert and Open mic

October 16th 8pm

550 Ocean Parkway


Brooklyn, NY


Kumzits at Oorah

October 14th 7pm

Stamford, CT


Tzedaka Fundraiser

August 24th

8pm $25

Teaneck, NJ


Camp sternberg

August 21st


New york


Camp Show

August 16th

Queens, New York


Samchenu Women's Retreat

Acapella Concert

July 28th 

Tarrytown, NY


Jewish Girls Retreat 

July 14th


Albany, NY


Bas Mitzvah

June 12th 12pm

Daytona Beach, Fl


Pesach Concert

April 20th

10:30 pm

The Doral Resort

Miami, FL


Purim Chagiga

Nefesh High School

Brooklyn, New York


NCSY Project Frumway

March 1st

8pm $15/$18

Beth Shalom

Five Towns, NY


Ladies Got Talent

February 27th 

7pm $10 admission

135 Bennett avenue 



CD Release Concert!

Sunday Jan. 30th


$15/$12 students

550 west 110th street




January 16th


Bais Shalom

Passaic, NJ


Shabbas Of Light And Inspiration

The Hilton of East Brunswick

January 9th

New Jersey


Private Bas Mitzvah

Motzi Shabbas December 11th




Ohr Naava Chanukah Chagiga

Tuesday December 7th 2010

8pm 2201 East 23rd Street

Brooklyn, NY



Atara Conference/Concert

Sunday November 14

7:30 pm Merkin Concert Hall

Admission: Students $15 Adults $20-35

129 West 67th street


Sukkos Kumzits

Friday night September 24th

9:30 pm The Berkeley Hotel

Asbury Park, NJ


Women's Night Out!

Sunday June 20th

8pm The Puppets Jazz 

481 5th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215


Kol Berama Women's Night

$18 for women $12 for students

8PM Wednesday, June 16th

Clifton, NJ


Hebrew Day School

June 6th 5:30 PM

$15 Entrance Fee

Kiamesha, New York


Pesach Concert/ Kumzits

Motzi Shabbas April 3rd

Doral Resort

Miami, FL


Raise The Sparks

Concert/Women's Dance Party

March 18th 7:30 pm $15

45 east 33rd street



Adar Concert

February 23rd 7 pm

45 east 33rd street



Tu' Beshvat Concert

Jan 30th Doors open 8:15 

556 crown street Beis Levi Yitzchak Shul

 Brooklyn, NY 


Mayanot High School

Guest Performance at Girls Night On!

Saturday night, February 6th

Teaneck, NJ


Private Party Bas Mitzvah

January 2nd Motzi Shabbas

Monsey, NY


OHR NAAVA Chanukah Concert!

December 14th

Ohr Naava Center

Brooklyn, NY


Temple Shalom

Concert for women's group

December 1st 12PM



Atara Women's Convention

November 23rd 8:30 PM

Entrance Fee: $15



Rebbetzin Heller Shabbaton

Melave Malka Performance

November 14th 9 pmNY, NY


Private Party Bas Mitzvah

November 8th 4PM

Fairlawn, NJ


Center For Girls

August 18th 9:30M

Lakewood, NJ


Performance for Neve Mechina

June 17th 9 PM



Concert For Everyone!

Neve Yerushalayim : Payis Building

June 9th 9 PM

Admission: 10 nis



Shearim Seminary

June 9th 4 PM



Midreshet Tehila Seminary

June 8th 12 PM



Yom Yerushalayim Concert

Baer Miriam Seminary

May 22nd 8 PM



Midreshet Moriah Concert #2

Melave Malka

May 17th 2009

Tzfat, Israel


Professional  Women's Theater

Gerhard Behar Center

May 14th 2009

Admission: 40 nis



Lag Ba'omer Concert

Machon Mayan Seminary

May 12th 8PM

Beit Shemesh, Israel



Neve Yerushalayim- Payis Building

March 27th 2009 8 PM

General Admission: 20 nis



 Hineni Center

Purim Party

March 10th 2009



Concert and Kumzitz with Midreshet Moriah

Sharei Tzedek

March 3rd 2009

9:30 PM



Melave Malka with Sharei Torah HS

Prima Palace Hotel

March 1st 2009




Concert with Tofa'ah and Ayelet Hashachar

The OU Center

February 12th 2009

8 PM



Tzedaka Benefit

The OU Center

Febuary  11th 2009



Melave Malka with Michlelet Eshter

February 8th 2009

8 PM



Ohr Nava Chanukah Bash

December 26th 2009

9 PM

Brooklyn, NY


Jewish Music Cafe

December 14th 2008 7 PM

Admission: $12 

Brooklyn, NY


Solo Concert

Saturday November 15th 2008 7 PM

Yeshiva GIrls HS

Pittsburgh, Pa



Atara Arts Festival

Sunday November 9th  2008 8PM

Admission: $15



Sukkos Concert for Gateways

Tarrytown Hilton Hotel

October 18th 2008 8PM

Tarrytown, NY 


The first “Girls got talent” show was su

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